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Branding & Logos

Branding is not just about having a nice logo - your brand is about how you specifically want to make people feel. It's about creating a personality and 'essence' for your business using colours, tone of voice, pictures and much more.


From your first meeting with Eartha, we can help you identify what makes you and your business unique - and how to communicate this to your clients in the clearest way possible. Everything about your 'brand' should reflect you and what you are doing to help others.


The first step is to help you to be absolutely clear about what it is that you do , and how you do it differently to everyone else.


We can then look at how to communicate this special uniqueness, simply and creatively.


We'll then bring all this together, and  help you stand out with a beautiful, unique personal brand and logo - inspired by you, and your favourite colours, words and elements. The sky's the limit!


It's time to tell the world who you are and what you can do


“Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.” Deepak Chopra

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